The Best Age to Get Pregnant With PCOS: You’ll be Surprised by the Answer!

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Thinking of starting a family? It can be a beautiful moment but not everyone finds it to be a smooth sail. Those with health conditions such as PCOS can struggle with conceiving. Want to know how to navigate pregnancy with PCOS? Curious about the best age to get pregnant with PCOS? We have all the details for you.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of childbearing age. In women with PCOS, the ovaries produce more than the normal amount of male hormones called androgens.

The excess amount of androgens interferes with maturation of the follicles (small fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries that contain a developing egg) and the release of eggs (ovulation), which is required for you to conceive. Unpredictable ovulation causes irregular menstrual cycles and may also cause fertility problems. Thus, PCOS can cause problems with pregnancy

But do not lose hope, there is still a good chance of getting pregnant with PCOS, it may take a bit longer than for women without PCOS.

What is the Best Time to Get Pregnant with PCOS?

Women with PCOS can get pregnant if the condition is managed with effective treatment and lifestyle changes. However, it can be a slightly challenging task to plan a pregnancy in PCOS due to irregular ovulation and periods.

The best time or age for a woman to get pregnant appears to be the same, whether the woman has PCOS or not. PCOS does not reduce your chances of conceiving unless you do not ovulate regularly or have other risk factors for infertility.

Ovulation begins as early as 12 years and can last up to 51 years. Thus, reproductive years for an average woman are between 12 and 51. 

Experts opine that women are most fertile at the beginning of their 20s and up to early 30s. During this fertile window, you have the highest number of good-quality eggs available for conception and your pregnancy risks are at the lowest. 

Meanwhile, your fertility starts to decline at around 32 years of age and this decline speeds up even more as you hit 35 years of age.. This is because each woman is born with all the eggs she will have — about 1-2 million. The number of eggs reduces gradually over the years – up to about 25, 000 at age 37 and about 1000 at age 51. As a woman gets older, her risk of developing fertility-impacting conditions such as endometriosis and tubal disease also increases.

Wondering about getting pregnant with PCOS after 30? Well, you have to first ensure that your PCOS is managed well. Find out all about the management of PCOS here. 

If your PCOS is managed and you are ovulating regularly, after three months of trying, your chance of getting pregnant during your next cycle are as follows:

  • 18% at age 25
  • 16% at age 30
  • 12% at age 35
  • 7% at age 40

Can You Cure PCOS Naturally and Get Pregnant?

No, PCOS cannot be cured. It is a chronic condition that can only be treated and managed. You can manage PCOS through lifestyle changes and medication and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

The following are a few measures you can take to regularise your periods and get pregnant:

  1. Maintaining a healthy body mass index can help normalise your hormonal levels and regularise ovulation.
  2. An increase in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol may lead to worsening of PCOS symptoms. A good night’s sleep (an average of 7 to 8 hours every night), practising relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, etc. and making time for pleasurable hobbies can help you manage your stress in a healthy and effective way. 
  3. Exercising regularly for at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week can help reduce your body weight, improve insulin sensitivity, alleviate the symptoms of PCOS and normalise your menstrual cycle.
  4. Consuming a balanced diet that includes complex carbs, healthy fats, and is high in protein and fibre can be helpful in managing your PCOS. Incorporate more fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, lean meat, nuts and seeds into your diet.
  5. High levels of sugar in your blood can lead to hormonal imbalance, so limiting your intake of sugary food and beverages, simple carbohydrates and refined or processed foods can help improve PCOS symptoms.

Meanwhile, if you are under the age of 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for almost a year with no success, consult a doctor about your options. If you are over the age of 35, consult a doctor if you see no results after 6 months of trying to get pregnant.

Tips for Getting Pregnant With PCOS

Now that you know how to manage your PCOS and increase your chances of conceiving, here are a few tips for getting pregnant with PCOS.

  1. Try to predict when you ovulate. You can check your basal body temperature or cervical mucous discharge. You can also use an ovulation predictor kit, which detects the luteinizing hormone (LH) responsible for ovulation. These kits may have limitations in those with PCOS as it can cause persistently high levels of LH and cause the test to show a false positive reading. Speak to a doctor before using an ovulation kit if you have PCOS.
  2. Use the fertile window. The most important step towards getting pregnant is to time intercourse accurately. It is also important to know that sperm stays in your uterus for up to 5 days after intercourse.
  3. Quit smoking. Stay away from smoking as it can cause damage to your egg reserve and make you more likely to miscarry. It can also increase your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, which can cause complications with your pregnancy.
  4. Limit alcohol consumption. Regular alcohol consumption can increase the time it takes for you to get pregnant and is harmful to foetal development.
  5. Get enough sleep. Sleep is one of the most important and underrated parts of leading a healthy lifestyle. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night for a healthy body and mind. 
  6. Go for regular checkups. Make sure you take treatment for any health condition that could cause complications during pregnancy, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Pay your doctor a preconception visit.

Don’t Have Time To Read?

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that can affect your ovulation, which results in difficulty in conceiving.
  • Menstruation begins from the age of 12 and may end around 51 years of age. Women are considered to be most fertile in the beginning of their 20s and up to their 30s. Fertility may start to decline after this period.
  • Compared to women without PCOS, you may take a bit longer to get pregnant. But, If you are ovulating regularly and do not have any other reproductive health issues, there is a high chance of getting pregnant within a year.
  • If you are facing problems in conceiving due to hormonal imbalance, consult a doctor or gynaecologist. Your doctor may treat your condition with medication, IVF or surgery based on the severity of your condition. 
  • PCOS can be effectively managed with lifestyle changes such as having a balanced diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking, cutting down on alcohol consumption, reducing stress levels with yoga, meditation and getting around 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Along with proper medication and lifestyle changes, it is also important to time the intercourse during the fertile window.
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Friendly Asked Questions

Can women with PCOS get pregnant?

Yes, women with PCOS can get pregnant. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that can cause infertility in women. However, with the right treatment and lifestyle changes women with PCOS can get pregnant and carry the pregnancy to full-term without any complications.

I have PCOS with regular periods. Can I get pregnant?

Yes, if your periods are regular, you can conceive and get pregnant despite having PCOS. In order to prevent any PCOS related pregnancy complications, make sure to consult your doctor regularly and stick to your PCOS treatment and management plan.

How do I know if I’m ovulating with PCOS?

If you have PCOS, you can track your ovulation or check for it using the following methods:
-Use an ovulation prediction test and check for Leutinizing hormone (LH) levels.
-Record your basal body temperature every day, as your body temperature usually spikes before the start of ovulation.
-Check the consistency of your cervical mucus; if it is wet, sticky or has the consistency of a raw egg white, you may be ovulating soon.
-Check for the position of your cervix; if it is easily reachable, then you may not be close to ovulation.

Can I get pregnant at 30 with PCOS?

If your menstrual cycles are regular and if you are ovulating normally, then yes, you can get pregnant at 30 with PCOS. Make sure to consult a gynaecologist if you are trying to conceive, stick to your prescribed PCOS treatment plan and lifestyle modifications to avoid complications.

Which is the best age to get pregnant with PCOS?

The best age to get pregnant with PCOS is the same as the best age for pregnancy for      healthy women without PCOS. Experts believe that women are most fertile from their late 20s to early 30s. Fertility may start to decline from the age of 32 onwards.